Private Home
Vintage Blend
Fitzroy North, VIC, Australia
The Space
This classic double-fronted Hawthorn brick house set in Fitzroy North presents a humble abode that blends old and new. With a renovated rear, the property is a perfect location for photoshoots and to host TV and media filming.
Featuring a pleasant courtyard area, a laundry area, and a classic kitchen fitted with Calcutta marble and white cupboards, each space in this property is finished to a high standard. This makes it ideal for high-quality photoshoots and the spacious location allows easy accomodation for a small to medium size crew.
All the important details
Indoor spaces
- Dining Room
- Lounge
- Hallway
- Laundry
- Kitchen
Outdoor spaces
- Backyard
- Garden
Architectural style
- Victorian
- Edwardian
Other styling
- Colour & Texture
- Eclectic
Property logistics
- Street Parking
- Kitchen
- Toilets
- Wifi
- Air Conditioning
- Goods Entrance / Loading dock
- Accessible Outlets
- Capacity (50-100)
Vintage Blend is available for hire in Fitzroy North, VIC, Australia
From $3,120 / day
Based on 8hrs, stills photoshoot, out by 6pm. Additional charges apply.
$3,120 / day
Based on 8hrs, stills photoshoot, out by 6pm. Additional charges apply.
Additional loadings may apply. Click here for more information about pricing.