
Regular Cancellation

No fee is incurred and a full refund of the booking fee, location fee and other fees related to the booking subject to payment transaction fees are paid out if the cancellation is greater than 72 hours from start date.

Last minute cancellation

50% of the booking fee, location fee and any other fees related to the booking are incurred if cancelled 72 hours or less from start date. Total refund amount is subject to payment transaction fees.





Pause a booking

A hirer can pause the booking or reschedule due to weather. A Perfect Space will hold funds for payment and move your dates pending location availability for no fee.

Cancellation due to COVID-19

Due to the unpredictable nature brought on by COVID-19 restrictions, there are two options available for the hirer:

  1. A hirer can pause the booking and reschedule to another date. A Perfect Space will hold funds for payment and move your dates pending location availability for no fee or;

  2. A full refund of the booking fee, location fee and other fees related to the booking subject to payment transaction fees.


We understand that due to unforeseen circumstances, the owner of the property may need to cancel a confirmed booking. If the Owner/Manager cancels a confirmed booking of the location less than seven (7) days from booking date, the full amount of the booking fee is payable to A Perfect Space.