Private Home
Sahred Adventure
The Basin, VIC, Australia
The Space
The property offers ample spaces and an abundance of natural light for photoshoots, TVC's, film productions and events. The home features a unique undercover alfresco area, wooden floorboards throughout and simple contemporary decor. Located near the beautiful Mt Dandenong mountains.
Main features include a wonderful outdoor smash with hammock and a bar, as well as a small tropical garden area. Other areas are well fitted throughout, following a classic design style.
All the important details
Indoor spaces
- Dining Room
- Lounge
- Hallway
- Study / Home Office
- Kitchen
- Bathroom 1
- Bedrooms 1
Outdoor spaces
- Backyard
- Lush Lawn
- Garden
- Alfresco Spaces
- Shed / Studio
- Garage
- Feature Driveway
Other styling
- Rustic
- Stone & Timber
- Nature Inspired
Property logistics
- Land size: 708 m2
- Building size: 128 m2
- Street Parking
- On-site Parking
- Kitchen
- Toilets
- Wifi
- Air Conditioning
- Catering
- Audio visual equipment
- Storage
- On-site access
- Street Access
- Accessible Outlets
- Access to Breakers
- Roads & Traffic
- Capacity (21-50)
- Pets onsite
Special conditions
Sahred Adventure is available for hire in The Basin, VIC, Australia
From $2,160 / day
Based on 8hrs, stills photoshoot, out by 6pm. Additional charges apply.
$2,160 / day
Based on 8hrs, stills photoshoot, out by 6pm. Additional charges apply.
Additional loadings may apply. Click here for more information about pricing.